alex lauz and me

Monday, March 19, 2007


This multiple intelligence wheel has been taken from the website:

When planning a lesson it is vital for teachers to be aware of the multiple intelligences of students. By being aware of these intelligences, teachers are capable of creating lesson's that will appeal to all students. Not all students learn the same, some will like to work by themselves others will like to work in groups. Some students need visual aids to assist in their learning and others prefer using equations and problem solving skills to learn.
When planning a lesson teachers should have activities that cater to the three domains; introspective; interactive and analytic. Within these there are then the nine multiple intelligences. The only way to appeal learning to all students is by making sure that these intelligences are included when planning a lesson.

"Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problemsand create products of value in one's own culture."-Dr. Howard Gardner

In a nut shell, these are simple descriptions of what the multiple intelligences are:

Kinesthetic - interaction with the environment
Existential - connecting to larger understandings
Interpersonal - interaction with others
Intrapersonal - feelings, values and attitudes
Logical - reasoning and problem solving
Rhythmic - sound and patterning
Naturalist - classifications, categories and hierarchies
Linguistic - spoken and written word
Visual - seeing and imagining

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