alex lauz and me

Thursday, March 15, 2007


The Adelaide decleration was a meeting which recognised that the schooling of Australia's children is the foundation on which we biuld our future as a nation. Council agreed to act jointly to assist Australian schools in meeting the challenges of our times. In reaching agreement to address the following areas of common concern, the State, Territory and Australian Government Ministers of Education made an historic commitment to improving Australian Schooling within a framework of national collaboration

The Goal's of the decleration can be found on the following site:


The Adelaide Decleration was possibly the most historicaly signifigant agreement in Australian Education. The Australian Government gave full recognition to the undeniable importance of the education of Australian children. They are the foundation block's of the future of this nation, without the proper education that all children have the right too, we are breaking that foundation.
The education we provide to our children, cannot just simply be an education. It has to be an education of quality. Where we give the best we possibly can to the future of our country, so that they have the opportunities to be anything they can dream of.

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